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Wonderland over hun groene revolutie in de creatieve sector

"Ons bedrijf maakt geen fysieke producten, dus onze impact op de planeet is verwaarloosbaar". We call bullsh*t. En de bedrijven waarmee wij werken gelukkig ook. Een mooi voorbeeld vinden wij onze klant Wonderland, een brand experience design studio in hartje Amsterdam. Echte makers.

Met hun platform Sustainable Digital Design maakt Wonderland mede-creatievelingen bewust van de impact die de digitale wereld heeft op onze planeet. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan: de voetafdruk van websites of streaming. En nodigt het team deze groeiende community uit om expertise en inspiratie te delen.

Vinden we cool! En dus vuurden we een viertal vragen af op het team van Wonderland. 🔥 Omdat zij - zoals onze meeste klanten trouwens - Engels als voertaal hebben, schakelen we nu even over.

Illustration of three cute monsters looking at a screen
Mascot Sid and his buddies

Okay team Wonderland, let’s start with busting a myth: reducing the environmental impact of the digital world, isn't that just a drop in the ocean?

“Everything we do online has a real-world environmental impact. Therefore, as users of the internet, we share a common responsibility to stay conscientious of what we produce and consume online.

However, as a digital design studio, this is not enough. We have a responsibility to not only stay aware, but take active steps toward creating cleaner and environmentally friendly products and services. We know this is just the beginning and we're not perfect, but we would love to try.”

Join the club of imperfection! 🙌🏽 Truth being told, we didn’t really think of the environmental impact of our own online behavior until we started working with you. At times, I still catch myself having many tabs open, and then I think of you and quickly close all but one.

Back to the subject: what is your greatest ambition with Sustainable Digital Design?

“Our ultimate goal for the Sustainable Digital Design platform, aside from educating ourselves, is to onboard and educate the wider creative community as a whole. We want to show partner agencies, our clients, and creatives how and where they can change their own systems to be more sustainable.”

Initiating systemic change - that’s ambitious and much needed. So how are you going to make that happen?

“We started this journey with a small community around us. Today our connection is growing greater and further, reaching fellow creatives from all over the world. We are on a quest to explore new approaches to sustainability in digital design and wider creative industries. The knowledge we cultivate together in this community turns into practices, and the practices translate into mindsets.

Every creative contributing to our platform with their knowledge and expertise helps us keep this knowledge chain flowing. We aim to expand our interviews and collaborations with all creatives interested in joining us on a mission to root for climate-conscious design. We feel grateful to share this journey with driven individuals who teach us how unlimited and positive creativity can be every step of the way.”

Having passed four of the nine planetary boundaries, it seems like a very good idea to start using our unlimited creativity to respect (and bounce back within) the limits of our planet. One thing we can start with today if we'd like to better our online lives?

“Educate yourselves on your digital footprint and use existing resources, as you can find on the learning section of, to reduce this. Browse and create conscientiously.”

Thanks team Wonderland, for using your circle of influence to make a statement and a difference. And have fun sharing this mission at Dutch Design Week!


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